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Writer's pictureAngie Dortch

Session One Lesson 3-Mental Flexibility


3.1 Warm up: Memory. The goal is development of strategies for improving memory. Participants specify a personal goal in addition to the group goal.

  • Begin in a circle, standing or sitting in a neutral position.

  • Participant speaks a sequence of 3 words.

  • In turn, the next participant on the right repeats the first person’s sequence, then states their own sequence.

  • Continuing right, the third participant repeats the first and second participants information, and adds their own sequence. This pattern continues until each participant in the circle has added their sequence.

Skills Developed/Enhanced: strengthen working memory, vocal strength, discipline, camaraderie, developing strategies for success.

Group Discussion: Was the group successful or unsuccessful? Why or why not?

Journal Response: Indicate your personal goal and its effect. Give yourself a grade

Grade: ______

A Able to recall 100% of the information

B Able to recall 80% of the information

C Able to recall 50% of the information

D Able to recall 20% of the information


2.4 Review: Coordination/Flow Session One video lesson 2

3.6 Moving Meditation: Detail Session One lesson 2

Facilitator works through each count establishing proper alignment.

1. "Stand with feet shoulder width apart with toes pointing forward. Arms rise forward with palms of hands facing in. Arms continue to rise overhead with finger tips pointing up."

2. "Eye balls roll up in sockets to look at fingers. The neck is only engaged if necessary and participants focus should be on lifting the chin and stretching the front of the neck as opposed to contracting the back of the neck."

3. "Bend knees, arms sweep back and down, eyes continue looking up."

4. "Elbows bend at the waist, palms of hands face up."

5. "Eyes lower to look at hands."

6. "Knees straighten, eyes look forward, hands close to fists and arms move back, parallel to ground."

7. "Right leg steps forward with knee bent and left foot lifting onto the ball of the foot. Arms extend forward, hands open with palms up."

8. "Left foot joins the right, palms rotate forward as arms open."

9. "Right foot steps to right with toes remaining forward, right arm lowers to side as left arm raises."

10. "Right foot flexes shifting weight to the heel. Right arm moves counter-clockwise as left arm sweeps clockwise."

11. "Arms continue moving like the hands of a clock as right hip rotates out, left foot lifts the heel and pushes to the ball of the foot, and torso realigns 1/4 turn to the right."

12. "Right elbow bends, right forearm continues across body and behind the left arm. Left arm continues clockwise sweep. Right arm extends straight with palm up, and left elbow bends at the waist with palm up. Weight shifts to front foot and torso aligns."

13 "Left foot joins right, left arm extends straight with palm up."

3.7 Breathing Basics Session one lesson 1

CAUTION: Light-headedness is common when practicing diaphragmatic breathing. Remaining seated is necessary for safety.

When you sleep or physically exert yourself, when your pet breathes or a baby cries, the diaphragm expands and contracts naturally. Intentionally focusing on this breathing pattern keeps your body and brain flooded with oxygen, encourages flexibility in your lungs and provides your voice with the support needed to speak clearly. If this approach to intentional diaphragmatic breathing remains difficult, try lying on your back in bed before you rise, and placing a hand between your bellybutton and ribs. Relax your shoulders and pay attention to your breath in this position.

This exercise is designed to draw your awareness to your body's natural breathing pattern. Avoid any artificial manipulation. The goal is to locate and intentionally breathe from your diaphragm.

  • In a seated neutral position, place one hand on the chest and other hand on abdomen under ribcage and above belly button.

  • Relax abdominal muscles

  • Inhale and exhale, paying attention to any physical movement.

  • The hand on the chest should stay still as the hand on the abdomen moves forward and back laterally.

  • Next, using a feather or slip of paper, hold the object in one hand, extend the arm in front.

  • Imagine the object is a candle or match. In one explosive breath, blow out the flame. Repeat 3-5 times.

Skills Developed/Enhanced: Mind/body connection, mental focus, diaphragmatic control.

Journal Response: Did an image aid in locating the diaphragm? When can this kind of breathing be incorporated in your life? Notes:


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